FAO publication – Combating Micronutrient Deficiencies: Food-based Approaches

FAO and CAB International have recently published the following book:

Combating Micronutrient Deficiencies: Food-based Approaches

Here is a brief summary:
Micronutrient deficiencies affect more than two billion people in the world today. With long-ranging effects on health, learning ability and productivity they contribute to the vicious cycle of malnutrition, underdevelopment and poverty. Food-based approaches, which include food production, dietary diversification and food fortification, are sustainable strategies for improving the micronutrient status of populations and raising levels of nutrition. Combating Micronutrient Deficiencies: Food-based Approaches focuses on practical, sustainable actions for overcoming micronutrient deficiencies through increased availability, access to and consumption of adequate quantities and appropriate varieties of safe, good quality food.

Click here to access this publication online.

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